Poemtober: volume 2 issue 2

Jennifer Prewitt
3 min readOct 11, 2021


It’s week 2, babes. Give it up for week 2! This is poemtember, where I take Inktober prompts and write bad poems based on the daily prompts! Illustrations also accompany some of the poems, for the Inktober PURISTS in the community. Enjoy, and if you don't enjoy, feel free to DM me on Instagram and tell me what EXACTLY you hated.


Lined up are my emotions

Raw, a melange

I place them down


Nice and neat

Easily accessible


Anger topples over ennui

Lust pines after joy

Unfeigned joy bounces all around

Around it swirls

I feel all of them

I feel none of them

and when I want to pick one up

I pull up the full spectrum, tangled roots

Knotted and

Pulled taut

Ready to unravel

only to be knotted once


Knot by Neena Kallookulangara


Quoted by Poe

Adorned by Baltimore

But who is the Raven?

Do they like solitude

Or canned tuna

Do they dance to music

late at night when the

world sleeps

Or are they resting

Awaiting their turn to be as they are

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I aim for high

so that I can land

in the middle

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being one doesn’t make you friends with the person with

whom you admire

I will internalize this one day

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tick Tick TICK


but it’s supposed to be


behind I’m running behind


I live my life in a time binary

really early

really late

never on time


I took my watch off

it was breaking my brain

couldn’t stop hitting that

ever growing step goal

ya know


now the train schedule rules my life

am I doing good today


am I doing bad today


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Raven by Sara Alavi

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I hope to play the saxophone

absent of the eyes and ears of another

a secret for me


I hope to take a walk for hours and hours

and no time will be lost

because time isn’t a thing to lose


I hope to shut the world out

to curl up with a blanket, guiltless

and watch a really long movie


I’ll release the valve before I burst

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yes yes yes I know

I know that it’s bad

But I usually wash my hands first

Raising a restless index finger

My face covered in acne

You know where that finger is headed

Curious digit, pillaging, terrorizing

It’ll scar

I know

It’s not enough to stop it

/////////////////////maybe this time will be



It’s bleeding

Are you happy?


Watch by Jennifer Prewitt



Jennifer Prewitt

Chicago-based person. Follow me on Instagram (@radiantegg) where I post silly things that make me smile and serious things that make me smile.